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Are Steph And Kd Friends

Stephen Curry Still Open To Kevin Durant Reunion

Despite the messy Golden State Warriors breakup, Stephen Curry and Kevin Durant remain close friends and have discussed the possibility of a reunion, according to a recent report.

Curry, who recently signed a four-year, $215 million extension with the Warriors, said he is open to playing with Durant again, but only if it makes sense for both players and the team.

"I think we both know that we can play together at a high level," Curry said. "We've had some great moments together in the past, and I think we could still have some great moments together in the future."

Durant, who is currently playing for the Brooklyn Nets, has also expressed interest in a reunion with Curry.

"I love playing with Steph," Durant said. "He's one of the best players in the world, and he makes everyone around him better."

If Curry and Durant were to reunite, it would be a major coup for the Warriors, who are looking to return to contention after a disappointing season.

Curry and Durant are two of the most dynamic players in the NBA, and they would form one of the most formidable duos in the league.

"I think it would be great for the league," Curry said. "It would be great for the fans. And I think it would be great for us."
